Avez-vous déjà été accompagnés par un coach ?
Avez-vous déjà pensé que cela pourraient vous aider à accéder plus rapidement aux résultats que vous souhaitez ?
Je vous présente juste une solution, un moyen que j'ai éprouvé moi-même pour évoluer et avancer dans ma propre vie.
What is coaching ?
It is a support method based on questioning which leads to awareness of hidden information, called beliefs, and which blocks your possible evolution.
The goal of the coach is not to give advice, but to question, reformulate and frame the conversation so that it remains truly focused on the point being discussed.
It's really very powerful; you often realize during the sessions, through the questions asked, that there are dysfunctions between your thoughts, your words and your actions.
You become aware of unconscious blockages which are very intense and which for you are real psychological limits which have sometimes been created since childhood.
Why get support?
Personally, I learned a lot on my own, by reading, watching videos and even following online programs, but I realized that in order to achieve my goals faster I needed help. .
It's not always easy to ask for help but, if you want to get support, it's a very good way to move forward and really obtain results, sometimes in very short periods of time.